


In 2011 I received my engineer’s diploma in applied Mathematics at the INSA de Rouen. During my studies, I met Christophe Letellier who gave me his passion for chaos. That’s why I completed my training with a Master II Research (2011) at the Université du Havre in Mathematics and Informatics for Complex System to work with him on the Topology of Toroidal Chaos at the CORIA.

I got my Ph.D. Thesis, entitled Composition laws of branched manifolds for describing chaotic attractors bounded by high-genus tori, supervised by Christophe Letellier, and during which I exchanged with Robert Gilmore. My thesis can be downloaded here.

I am now a Post-doctorant at LaBRI, contributing to the ASIMUT project (Aid to SItuation Management based on MUltimodal, MUltiUAVs, MUltilevel acquisition Techniques).

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