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From Nonlinear Dynamics to BioMedicine

Christophe LETELLIER
07/04/2009 - (01/09/2009)
Summer school
September 1-4, 2009 - Rouen

ATOMOSYD group from CORIA - Université de Rouen - is involved in the applications of nonlinear technique to BioMedicine, particularly on the cardio-respiratory system. To develop a common langage and a unified methodology between physicans and physicists, a summer school will be organized in Rouen in September 2009. Our aim is to provide a background in nonlinear dynamics that can be directly applied to biomedical data and to provide a minimum background in physiology concerning the cardio-respiratory system and the brain activity. The main target is the investigation of electrocardiograms, electroencephalograms, and breathing patterns. Roughly, lectures in nonlinear dynamics will be given in the morning, and lectures in biomedicine in the afternoon.

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We will try to give the opportunity to each participant to present his own works when it is related to the topics of this school.

This school will be held at Le Cloître des Pénitents - 8, allée Daniel Lavallée - 76000 ROUEN - close to the city center.

Tentative Program

- Monday August 31, 2009

  • 17 :00 – 20 :00 Welcome reception at Le Cloître des pénitents

- Tuesday September 1, 2009

  • 9h30 Robert Gilmore (Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA)
    Topology of Chaos

Poincaré pointed out the proper direction more than a century ago : follow the periodic orbits. This advice provides a key to our understanding of three-dimensional chaotic dynamical systems. Periodic orbits provide the proper instrument for both the classification and the analysis of chaotic behavior...

  • 11h00 Coffee Break
  • 11h30 Jean-Marc Ginoux (Laboratoire PROTEE, Université Toulon-Var)
    Flow curvature manifold of neuronal bursting models
  • 12:00 Lunch

  • 14h00 Adriana Portmann (CHU de Rouen, France & Hôpital Tenon, Paris)
    Interpretation of Sleep Recordings

In laboratory settings, polysomnography may be used to monitore and evaluate sleep. The ElectroEncephaloGraphic (EEG) activity is the core of the multivariate measurements. But to interpret de polysomnography, it is required to have a know-how...

  • 15h30 Roomila Naeck (GRHV & CORIA, University of Rouen)
    Automatic analysis of Patient-ventilator interactions during night
  • 16h00 Coffee Break

  • 16h30 Anna Krakovska (Institute for Measurement Science, Bratislava, Slovakia)
    Discrimination ability of individual measures used in sleep stages classification

The complex system of the brain can be studied from single neurons to large neuronal networks. Although a convincing demonstration of chaos has only been obtained at the level of neurons acting as coupled oscillators, some scientists still believe that there could be considerable benefits for the brain...

  • 19h00 Diner
  • 22h00 Les nuits Impressionnistes (Musée des beaux Arts)

- Wednesday September 2, 2009

  • 9h00 Ubiratan Freitas (CORIA - Université de Rouen)
    Numerical Titration, Nonlinearity Detection, Data Preprocessing and Global Modeling

Identifying chaos from experimental data, that is, from data contaminated by noise, remains a very challenging problem for which conclusive arguments are still very difficult to provide...

  • 10h00 Coffee Break

  • 10h30 Christophe Letellier (CORIA - Université de Rouen, France)
    Symbolic Dynamics, Recurrence Plots & Shannon entropies

Biomedical dynamics as those underlying the cardio-respiratory system are fluctuating more or less regularly. They are aperiodic, bounded and possibly sensitive to initial conditions. But very little can be said concerning the existence of an underlying determinism...

  • 12h00 Lunch

  • 14h00 Christian Straus (Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpétrière, Paris)
    Physiological Mechanisms of Control of Breathing

Lung ventilation depends on the phasic contraction of the respiratory muscles. Like the heart, these muscles contract cyclically and automatically all life long, even during sleep. In contrast to the heart however, their command is not intrinsic but extrinsic, located in the central nervous system. The respiratory muscles deform the thoracic cage that in turn changes the pleural pressure and mobilizes the lung gas. Expiration results from an increase in the alveolar pressure, above the atmospheric pressure. Inspiration, on the other hand, depends on a negative pressure swing in the thorax and in the alveoli. This fall of pressure could lead the soft pharyngeal walls to collapse if the dilator muscles of the upper airway would not contract...

  • 15h15 Coffee Break

  • 15h40 Antoine Cuvelier (CHU de Rouen)
    Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation
    Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is a modality of mechanical ventilation where the patient is connected to the ventilator via a nasal mask, a facial mask or a mouth piece. NIV exclude a direct tracheal connection like in intubated or tracheotomised patients (invasive ventilation). NIV is one of the treatment of chronic respiratory failure and also acute respiratory failure either purely hypoxemic or hypoxemic and hypercapnic. Ventilation is delivered through a
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    Cuvelier’s full abstract

positive pressure ventilator and its major objective is to improve alveolar hypoventilation and subsequent arterial blood gases, especially PaCO2. NIV should be distinguished from continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) which is a validated treatment for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. CPAP is not a ventilatory technique since it does not modify the alveolar ventilation and does not reduce PaCO2 in hypercapnic patients.

  • 17h45-19h45 Pedestrian guided tour of Rouen
  • 20h00 Banquet

  • Otto Rössler (University of Tübingen)
    Benevolent Machine-Assisted Respiration - Some Reflections on the Humane Use of Chaos Theory

Gilles Deleuze reportedly jumped out of the window because the artificial respirator became unbearable to him. Machines that sense and act forcefullyy can be a bad dream. This field of medicine is at the cutting edge of a new development if humankind is allowed to continue a bit longer. The Rouen chaos school has established a pioneering cooperation with techno-medicine. So physics came back under the influence of the Hippocratic oath - which is a highlight in itself. Chaos theory is simple despite being 3-dimensional. Three-dimensional thinking - in pictures of returning trajectories as in the phase diagrams of the respirator-plus-patient dynamics - is unusual in science but well-known in surgery, for example...

- Thursday September 3, 2009

  • 9h30 Alain Rakotomamonjy (LITIS, University of Rouen)
    statistical learning for Brain-Computer Interfaces

This talk will provide a brief overview of Brain-Computer Interfaces from a signal processing and machine learning perspective. Then we discuss in more details the components of data analysis chain employed in a P300 based BCI speller.

  • 10h15 Dounia Bounoiare (GRHV & CORIA, University of Rouen)
    Quantifying sleep fragmentation with Shannon entropy
  • 10h30 Coffee Break

  • 11h00 Claudio Rabec (Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire de Dijon, France)
    Breathing during sleep : to sleep but also to breath, that’s the question

Sleep entails a profound alteration in human physiology. And as many other physiological functions, ventilation is profoundly modified by sleep. The body position, the control of breathing the airflow resistance, the ventilatory response to loading and the synchronization of the respiratory pump muscles between them...

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Rabec’s Full Abstract
  • 12h30 Lunch

  • 14h30 Andreas Voss (University of Applied Science, Jena, Germany)
    Analysis of cardiovascular oscillations with methods from nonlinear dynamics for an enhanced diagnosis of heart and neurological diseases and for risk stratification

Methods from nonlinear dynamics (NLD) have shown new insights into cardiovascular variability (as e.g. heart rate and blood pressure variability) changes under various physiological and pathological conditions, providing additional prognostic information and complementing traditional time- and frequency domain analyses. Chronic heart failure (CHF) is a major and growing public health concern...

  • 16h00 Coffee Break

  • 16h30 Elbert Macau (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil)
    Combined use of methods of nonlinear dynamics and neural networks in the evaluation of heart rate variability in different clinical situations

Cardiovascular diseases are the major cause of death in our country. Currently, a main ally to the realization of the pathophysiology studies of biological systems in the field of heart diseases is the technique known as the heart rate variability (HRV). However, the HRV has a complex behavior, making it difficult to identify patterns of specific diseases...

- 17h00 Elise Roulin (CORIA, University of Rouen)
Identifying chaos from heart rate : The right task ?

  • 19h00 Diner
  • 22h00 Les nuits Impressionnistes (Cathédrale)

- Friday September 4, 2009

  • 9h30 Luis A. Aguirre (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
    Global Modelling : The Quantification of Behaviour

Probably the most common way of understanding a problem is by observing data - that may come in the form of pictures, images, plots, tables, list of numbers and so on - and trying to make sense out of them. This "making sense out of data" is mainly an effort to establish some sort of structure within the data or, in other words, to develop some type of model for the data. Of course, the structure searched for and the resulting models strongly depend on the nature of the data...

  • 11h00 Coffee Break

  • 11h30 Jean-Marc Malasoma & Marie-Aurélie Boiron (DGCB URA CNRS 1652, ENTPE, LYon, France)
    A complete library of 3D quadratic flows for global modelling with a structure selection

In many fields of science, experimental data produced by nonlinear dynamical systems exhibiting chaotic behaviour have most often the form of a single scalar variable time series sampled at regular intervals. Such scalar time series, are therefore the only way to get information about the chaotic system under study. A challenge is to obtain simplest phenomenological models that are able to reproduce observed dynamics...

  • 12h00 Lunch

  • 14h00 Claudia Lainscsek (University of California at San Diego, USA)
    Nonlinear DDE models of repetitive hand movements in Parkinson’s disease

The temporal structure of hand movements in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is known to be impaired, but the nature of these temporal distortions remains unexplored. Likewise it is unknown how dopamine replacement therapy reverses these temporal abnormalities. We used non-linear DDEs (delay differential equations) to examine the nature of the spatiotemporal distortions in repetitive finger tapping movements...

  • 14h30 Laurent Peyrodie (Hautes Études d’Ingénieurs, Lille)
    Non linear analysis of posturology data : preliminary study

Multiple Sclerosis cannot be defined easily, undoubtedly due to the variety of its forms. Though this disease remains one of the most common neurological diseases among young adults. This preliminary study deals with the prediction of the Expanded Disability Status Scale usually used to quantify the handicap among Multiple Sclerosis patient. It takes into account the functional parameters and the ambulatory capacities of the patient collected during the posturometry test. This analysis shows that the non-linear approach turns out to be far more effective to classify patients according to the degree of the disease...

  • 15h15 Giovani Rodrigues (UFMG & University of Rouen)
    Global modelling of patient-ventilator interactions
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Full abstracts

The full abstracts of invited speakers can be downloaded here.

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Registration Form
  • Registration Form to send before July 13th, 2009 to Christophe Letellier Fees including bed room, food (breakfasts, lunchs and dinners) and proceedings are 500 euros.
  • Contact : Christophe Letellier
    CORIA UMR 6614 - Université de Rouen
    BP 12, F-76801 Saint-Etienne du Rouvray cedex, France
  • To reach Le Cloître des Pénitents
    PDF - 4.5 Mo
    High resolution map

Take the metrobus to Boulingrin station. Then take "Avenue de la Porte des Champs" up to "Rue Orbe" that you will take on your left. Then once you reach "Place de la Croix de Pierre", follow "Rue Saint-Hilaire" (slightly on your left). After 200-300 m, you will find "Allée Daniel Lavallée on your left. Take it. On your right, you will have "Le Cloître des Pénitents".

Map of Rouen


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35516 - 22/10/24

High resolution map
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35973 - 22/10/24

Cuvelier’s full abstract
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34567 - 22/10/24

Full abstracts
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32989 - 22/10/24

Registration Form
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32813 - 22/10/24

Rabec’s Full Abstract
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32357 - 23/10/24

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